What is that!?

Art Gamblin Motors QR Code

Have you seen one of these before?  It is ok if you haven’t. it is not some new modern art trend that you are missing out on.  This is a QR Code or also known as a “matrix barcode” This  is a 2-dimensional barcode which can be scanned by any barcode scanner which includes the one  on your iphone or smartphone.  Go ahead and scan the code with your phone above and see where it takes you!

QR codes were created in the middle 1990’s in Japan and were used in manufacturing to track parts and shipments. Known as Quick Response barcodes these specialized barcodes allowed the tracking of parts to much more efficient but also allowed users to get important information at the same time.  Over the past decade these codes have started appearing outside of the manufacture sector and made their way into advertising.

You will start seeing these funny looking barcodes more and more in stores, newspapers and magazines.  You might have seen one in a newspaper advertisement or even a magazine already but you probably did not know what it was.  What marketers and advertisers love about these barcodes is allowing customers/shoppers to get the specific digital information quickly and directly.

At Art Gamblin Motors we have created a specific QR code for each one of our vehicles.  When you are shopping  or looking around at one of our vehicles and you want to find out what options or the current internet price all it takes is a quick scan with your smart phone.  Each QR code will take you directly to each vehicles specific page on our website www.gamblinmotors.com.

Check out the quick little video of how simple it is to do by Tyson Gamblin.

We Have A Winner

People came all over for our big pre-Thanksgiving sale!  If you test drove a vehicle you got a free “Butterball” Turkey from Safeway Grocery store here in town.  Not only did you get a free turkey with a test drive you also could enter to win a new Samsung TV.  Rick Josie, General Sales Manager at Art Gamblin Motors, on Tuesday November 23 drew the card for the lucky winner.  And the winner is… (drum roll please):

Dan and Kathleen Hagedorn

Art Gamblin Motors TV Giveway

Dan and Kathleen were ecstatic about their new TV.  Now driving home with a new TV fits even better in a new 2011 Chevrolet Equinox.  So Chris Streuli with Art Gamblin Motors help Dan and Kathleen purchase their new 2011 Chevrolet Equinox.

Check out the video of Dan and Kathleen

Let It Snow Let It Snow

Brushing off snow on your car is a pain, but  think about doing it for over 250 vehicles!  Not fun.

Dale Dunks with Art Gamblin Motors had a unique and very productive way to take the snow off the cars on our lot.  We tried to get an official measurement of the snow fall  but Dale was to busy getting the snow off the cars for the last day of the Thanksgiving Sale before we could get an official measurement.  Reports have been circulating of 8 inches of snow fall in Enumclaw and other reports saying all the way to 13 inches.  Definitely a record snow fall for Enumclaw before Thanksgiving.  The kids loved the snow as school was cancelled and we are anticipating that the whole week is going to be canceled as well.  Now if you ever needed remote vehicle start, days like this make it worth having.

Coat Drive

Art Gamblin Motors Coat Drive

We need your help!  We are kicking off our 2nd annual clothing drive for the Enumclaw and Buckley Clothing banks.  The local clothing banks are in desperate need of Hats, Gloves and Coats.  We are accepting new and slightly used items.  Last year this clothing drive helped out the local clothing bank tremendously and we your help to make this year better than last years efforts.

We will have a vehicle in the showroom at our Main Store and at our Truck Center where you can drop off your donations.  With Western Washington expecting its coldest and wettest winter in a few years there are a lot of families that could use a coat.

So please stop in and give what you can.

New Sign

On November 15 Astronauts in Space reported seeing something glowing in the Northern Hemisphere.  After closer inspection NASA scientist could not figure out what the new light was coming from.  ABC and NBC World news attributed this strange light to the rocket sighting off the coast of California only a few days earlier.  Government Agents were sent to look around the Seattle area to find what was causing this strange light that could be seen from space.  The next night when it got dark Art Gamblin Motors flipped on their sign and agents from every government agency went to a code red.

We are excited about our new sign and although you can’t see it from space it definitely is a good looking sign.

Art Gamblin Motors

Seattle Auto Show 2010

The Seattle Auto Show was a blast.  There was a great showing from all the major manufactures.  They even had the flying car from Harry Potter!  Cars don’t get much better than that.  Instead of posting a million pictures of what we thought was cool we brought our flip camera with us to show you around some of our favorites.  Of course we are biased and thought the GM vehicles were the best but there was some cool things that we liked.  Here is a top 10 list of the cars and things we liked about the 2010 Seattle Auto Show.

10.  Scion Booth – with the music pumping it was a cool area of the show

9. Nissan Leaf

8. Audi R8 Spyder

7. The Chevrolet Volt – The 2011 Motor Trend Car of the Year – CLICK HERE TO SEE THE VIDEO OF THE VOLT


5.  Cut in half Subaru


3. The free hats that Toyota gave  out

2. Cadillac Exhibit – Cadillac has some good looking vehicles!

1. GM Drive Option – GM had a dozen or so vehicles in the parking garage where you could go out and test drive a vehicle that was in the auto show.  I thought this was a clever idea and it was very popular as there was a long line of people trying to get themselve behind a new GM vehicle.