A Whole Bunch of Color



We were excited to sponsor the Win Me 5K color run. This event took place in our own backyard. The Enumclaw Expo Center was busy with thousands of people of all ages and fitness levels. What made this 5K different than any other 5K? Color! DSCF0501While racing through the beautiful course, racers were doused at ten different color stations along the way. Runners started the race wearing white and ended wearing a rainbow of colors. We were given the provided volunteers at the blue color station, and we loved hitting everyone with a little bit of Chevrolet Blue.DSCF0508

Each runner was entered to win thousands of dollars in prizes. Prizes included Macbooks, iPads, Apple watches, vacation getaways, and a brand new car. Throwing color on people is sure fun, but giving away a brand new car is exhilarating. Gamblin Motors sent home a brand new Chevy Spark with Leta Johnson. She was stunned and ecstatic.DSCF0692

DSCF0683Not only were participants given the chance to win great prizes, but could give back to multiple charities. Runners and sponsors made donations to Seattle Children’s Hospital, Strong Against Cancer, Send a Kid to Bumbshoot, and our local charity, Rainier Foothills Wellness Foundation.DSCF0511





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