‘Fabulous!’ is how the 2011 Enumclaw Cross Country teams trip to state was described by head coach Jeff Jacobson. However on there adventure down to Pasco they rented two vehicles from Gamblin Motors (a Van and a Traverse). Most people do not know that Art Gamblin Motors has a Rental Department.
Jacobson says that he ‘loves renting cars from Gamblin because the vehicles are always clean, good shape and ready to roll.’ The vehicles were not the only thing ready to roll as the girls ended up finishing 13th in whole sate ofWashington and the guys finishing in the middle of the pack of 3A SPSL. Another statement from Jacobson was ‘there was enough room for everybody.’ That is quite a compliment seeing they had 8 girls, 2 boys and 2 coaches! On a last note he also when it comes time to rent a car for state again he would choose a Gamblin Motors Chevy!
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