Tag: Chevy

  • February- Buy Any Vehicle, Get a Free Cruise

    It’s back! During the month of February, buy any one of our over 260 vehicles in stock and get a free three day cruise. We have teamed up with the world renowned Carnival Cruise line in order to bring something special to those customers who make a purchase with us this month. This free three…

  • Chevrolet Volt- Sooner Than Expected

    Here it is the car that is supposed to save Chevrolet.  Most of you have probably heard of the award winning and ground breaking Chevrolet Volt.  General Motors has recently announced updated plans for the release of the new Chevrolet Volt, speeding up the rollout of Chevrolet’s newest vehicle by close to six months. Due to…

  • Kid Rock: Cruisin’ “All Summer Long”… In His Brand New Chevy Camaro

    When thinking of mega rock stars and the birthday presents they recieve, what would you expect them to recieve: a new house or a yacht? Probably. Better yet how about their  own exotic country that they can name after themselves? More than likely. How about a brand new custom 2011 SS Chevy Camaro? What…. thats… it? Rock star Kid Rock…

  • Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Chevrolet

    It has been well over 30+ years since the Chevrolet commercial that had everyone singing Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Chevrolet.  A lot has changed since the 1970’s but baseball is still America’s past time and Chevrolet is still alive and kicking.  Over the years Chevrolet has been a proud sponsor of baseball from…