Tag: General Motors
Book ’em Danno
In an effort to restore a giant that once was, General Motors and more Specifically Chevrolet, have teamed up with CBS and Hawaii Five-O in efforts to spotlight four of Chevy’s most popular vehicles. The all new 2011 Chevrolet Camaro, Chevrolet Cruze, Chevrolet Traverse and the Chevrolet Silverado 1500 are all featured vehicles within each…
Seattle Auto Show 2010
The Seattle Auto Show was a blast. There was a great showing from all the major manufactures. They even had the flying car from Harry Potter! Cars don’t get much better than that. Instead of posting a million pictures of what we thought was cool we brought our flip camera with us to show you…
GM OnStar
Do these curious buttons look familiar? They should if you own a 2007 or later GM vehicle. While learning the function of the hundreds of buttons in your vehicle is either impossible or ridiculous use of your time, these three buttons are arguably the most important in your vehicle. These are your Onstar buttons. What…